Chicago 12, Chicon 8 Day 5

I am holding CoNZealand’s Hugo which keeps my record of all the Hugos since 2007. More about that later.

This was going to be a slow day. I opened up the Press Room and discussed our part in the Hugos. I went to the business and voted on some parts of the Pros vs. Fans discussion. It is being sent to committee to give it more thought. Hopefully the can come up with a better definition. The to the Dealers Room to buy some Doctor Who Blu-Rays. I went to the fanzine lounge to get my copy of WOOF (the Worldcon Order Of Faneditors) which I contributed to. Then a panel with artist Vincent Di Fate interviewing artist special guest Eric Wilkerson.

Then it was Closing Ceremonies. Helen Montgomery (see below) thanked her team, and party Awards were given out. After officially ending the con, the team from Winnipeg reminded the crowd of their name Pemmi-con. After that representatives from Chengdu led by co-chair Ben Yalow. Yalow discussed the challenges facing their team, but assure this will be an important Worldcon. I am glad there will be a virtual component. This will be sadly to only way I can attend the convention at this time. Then it was time to head out. After sending a package to be mailed, I decided to chill in my room for awhile, pack, and then checked out the bar which was made into a improvised Dead Dog (there was no formal Dead Dog due to another group coming in). I saw some people including Chris Barkley, Julie Marr, my comrades from the Australia trip in 99 and Anna O’Connell (their room mate and con house manager). The it was time to rest for the trip home.

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