Winnipeg Day 5, Pemmi-Con Day 4

My audience for my panel. More on that later.

Pat and I went to our respective churches. Then I registered for the Buffalo NASFiC and the LA Worldcon bid. Then I checked the Green Room to see if my other panelist showed up. Not finding them, I went to the room. I gave them 5 minutes but still nothing. I then decided to go on. I was on The Captain Panel. The remit of this panel was the evaluate the leadership style of the captains on Star Trek. I introduced myself (though I forgot to mention my fan writing). I described the remit and suggested that this panel was going to involve more audience participation. The panel covered various aspects of leadership and how it related to Star Trek and SF in general. I saw some con members I knew and said I did a good job.

Pat and I went to do some errands and got lunch. We bumped into someone with a Winnipeg Fringe Volunteer T-Shirt. He guided us to the Winnipeg’s Lawn of Fabulousness. We chatted with some Fringe volunteers and got a Fringe program for our friend Ed Anthony.

Then we went to the con’s Closing Ceremony. It was a fun affair run by Toast Master Tanya Huff full of song, thanks, and tradition. Pat and I went to the hotel and then came back. Pat went to the Filking on the basement level and I was at the Dozed Moose. There I bumped into many people I knew. I saw Warren Frey where we talked about various fannish things. Then I went back to pack and get ready for our morning flight.

I am still processing the con. There were ups and downs like any other con. I hope to write a detailed report. It was great checking out Canada and taking fandom. That is always fun.

Winnipeg Day 4, Pemmi-Con Day 3

Baba Yaga from Masquerade. More on that later.

After breakfast Pat and I did the second Stroll With the Stars. We went to area called the Forks. There is a big train station which had a nice doomed roof.

On our way back to con I bumped into a gathering of File 770 readers/commenters also known as Filers. Pat took a picture of us which was published in the File 770 Twitter feed and maybe the website.

Then I worked a bit at the Info Desk. I went to to the Masquerade Tech rehearsal to work with Snail, the fan who would enter the Masquerade as Baba Yaga. I was assigned as a special stage ninja. She had issues with plan A navigation system (a camera connected to her phone). We agreed I would call her on her phone which would go to her hearing aids and guide her. Then I went on sadly fruitless search for postcards at Dollerama stores. I think I may have found a solution. I then attended the Lorna Toolis Spotlight panel.

The Masquerade had 10 Entries. Baba Yaga’s presentation was to walk out and dance the chicken dance. We later find out the phone connection was staticy. When she started the chicken dance she went very close to the edge. I and others to her to stop and she backed away. She won over the audience and judges. Below are other entries.

Then I went to see Philip Currie talk on Edgar Rice Burroughs’ dinosaurs. Then home were I watched Star Trek: Strange New Worlds “Those Old Scientists” which is a love letter to Trek fans.

Today I am on a Star Trek panel and Closing Ceremonies.

Winnipeg Day 3, Pemmi-Con Day 2

This is a Winnipeg Bear like an Orlando Lizard.

Pat and I started with The Stroll With the Stars. We walked around with group around the area near the Manitoba Legislature. We saw statues of Queen Elizabeth II, a Manitoba founder and local rebel Louis Riel, and the Winnipeg Bears.

When we got back, I went to the RBC Convention Center and joined the Buffalo 2024 and Seattle 2025 bids and voted on the NASFiC 2025 Site Selection. Then I went to the Whovians UNiTe panel and after that Warren Frey went to the Kaffleklatch room and just talked for the session with artist Chris Hilady and writer DG (I missed his last name). We talked about media and what is going on.

Then I relieved John Day at the Info Desk. It was less intense, but interesting. Then I went to the Green Room and talked about the Internet panel I was on with Helen Umberger. She was an IT security expert and we talked about online issues. We were only 2 panelists out of 4 to show up. We talked to about all issues going on the Internet. It was well attended and we went all over the place. Then I went to dinner with Pat to East India. Food was good but sometimes overwhelming with spices. Then we checked out the Manitoba Reception at the con and played some hands of UNO. I then checked out the parties quickly to see who was there and then we went back to the Hotel.

Today some Guest of Honor panels and Masquerade.

Winnipeg Day 2, Pemmi-Con Day 1

Tanya Huff Pemmi-Con toastmaster.

Pat and I started the day with breakfast across the street at Stella’s. Great food. Then we headed to the con. I volunteered at the Info Desk. It was a bit cramped area shared with Registration. We had to field a lot of questions. It could be challenging at times. We did get through it though and it got better as time went on.

Pat and I checked out the Art Show and Dealers Room. It was small but mighty, there was some good stuff to be had.

I went to the following events.

  • Opening Ceremonies – This was led by Tanya Huff and followed by a reception.
  • A.E. Van Vogt Canadian Grand Master – An in depth look at the writer.
  • Julie Czernada Interview- Guest of Honor Julie Czernada interviewed by Tanya Huff

I checked out the Buffalo 2024 and Seattle 2025 parties with Warren Frey and got some cake. Then I headed out.

Today Stroll with the Stars and Doctor Who panel, an Internet panel I am on, and more Info Desk

Winnipeg Day 1


Pemmi-Con’s main Exhibit Hall more on that later.

The day started slowly. I checked out where the con was and then went to a
nearby indoor mall to get breakfast and get some drinks to put in the mini
fridge. I ran into some problems with the local ATM and I got an unexpected
answer from my bank, but I pressed on. After I quick rest I went back to the
con hotel and went to ops to check if they needed volunteers. They said they
would be needed around 2PM. I decided to walk around the area. The Manitoba
Legislature was nearby. I walked passed this statue dedicated to the Canadian
women who fought in both World Wars.


Then I walked around near my hotel and found a lot of nice restaurants and
got a pizza. Then I chilled for a bit in my room. Then I went to con hotel. I
got registered and headed out to the main exhibit hall (see above). I did some
set up with exhibits and help put grid towers to be used as places to put
signage. In the convention center I finally found a friendly ATM. Patty my
roommate arrived. She got registered and after I finished with placing the
towers, we went to the con dinner at the Spaghetti Factory. We sat with John
Day and local writer ShayE. We talked about passed NASFiC and Worldcons and
other things. After the dinner we headed for the hotel to wind down.

Today, I plan to do some work at the info desk and checkout Opening

Winnipeg Travel Day

This was a different type of con trip. It was probably because I did not book until May. I had 2 connecting flights so three plane trips in a day. The first flight one was challenging since they could not may final boarding pass in Orlando and no Pre-TSA. I had to do the long line at 5AM to catch a 6:00AM flight. I just made it in time. The next big challenge was getting a boarding pass in Toronto, but I had some time during that layover. In Toronto I shared my flight to Winnipeg with Dr. Edwin Strauss (I got to ask him if he knew why Worldcon Fandom rejected Planet of the Apes, Todd and Joanie Dashoff and a fan I did not know. We all had challenges that day. We made it and I got to the Holiday Inn, but decided to crash and veg out.

Below is my Scalzi hotel window picture. Today get settled and see if I can volunteer at the con.

Utah Day 5, NASFIC 2019 Day 4

It took me awhile to write this for reason I will discuss below. Nothing major but I was delayed.

I started the day getting to a nearby Catholic Church. I would have tried walking the distance, but I had to get back in time for a 10:15 AM panel. I tried Lyft both ways. It was OK. No problems and I got back in time.

The Evolving Face of Anime was fun. We all got to celebrate anime and how far its come from from the pre-streaming era where we depended on luck to watch anime television and films.

I also did the following panels:

  • Spotlight: Dewey Douglas
  • Come Time Travel with Me: 1964 with the Galactic Journey
  • Closing Ceremonies

I did the roving microphone for the post-con feedback session. Then I hung out at the con suite for a bit. Then I decompressed for a bit and later swung by the UK in 2024 party. Their I talked for bit and then got some rest.

I decided to walk to the train station in the early morning since $10 and change to go about 2 or 3 miles with Lyft seemed a bit much. I got to the train though the first train out was knocked out and I had to wait for the next train. After that I was able to get to airport with a reasonable amount of time and made the get with loads to spare. Then it was back home. I when I got back I just wanted to decompress and try to catch up with reading and saw some films I missed (Echo in the Canyon and Spider-Man: Far From Home) while doing my usual work schedule.

Below is picture from Closing Ceremony (Left to Right: Jim Butcher, David Weber, Kate Hatcher, Dragon Dronet, Linda Deneroff, Bjo Trimble, and John Trimble)


Utah Day 3,NASFiC 2019 Day 2 (Spikecon)

I got up on time despite staying up late to watch Stranger ThingsAfter a quick breakfast it was off to the con. I got to donate blood early in the day. That went extremely well and I was able to engage with the con easily afterwards. I voted for the NASFiC 2020 site selection. Below are the full panels I went to.

  • Spotlight: Dragon Dronet
  • Spotlight: Eric Flint
  • Spotlight: Kitty Krell
  • Spotlight: Vincent Villafranca
  • Spotlight: Linda Deneroff
  • The Trimbles Talk Taking Action
  • Chesley Awards
  • Match Game: Friday Edition

I came in the middle of Middle Grade Optimism vs YA Dystopia , Gay Wizards and Lesbian Sorceresses, and a small bit of The Fannish Inquisition. I checkout the Fanzine Party in the con suite and read a few. I talked to Masquerade team and I will help out on Saturday. I was a contestant on Match Game. It was fun, but fate was against me since I got the tough phrases and loss. I got an old Howard Weinstein Star Trek novel as consolation prize. Match Game ran a bit longer than expected so around midnight I dropped by the Con Suite and headed back.

Today more GOH panels and Masquerade.

Below Match Game host Kevin Standlee and panelists Linda Deneroff, Kevin Roche, Wolfcat, Dave Clarke, Andrew Trembley, and Lynn Gold.


Utah Day 2,NASFiC 2019 (Spikecon)

I will referring to these blog posts as NASFiC 2019 since that is the reason I am here. Spikecon is also Westercon 72, 1632 Minicon, and Manticon 2019. All great events.

I woke-up early and saw the first half of Stranger Things season 3 . Then breakfast and walked over to the con. I went to the following program items.

  • Bad Science on Screen
  • Opening Ceremonies
  • Reading: Dewey Douglas
  • The Big Heart Awards
  • The Apollo Program
  • Shows We Love to Hate
  • Reading: Suzanne Palmer

I was on My Favorite Spaceship panel. It was a lively discussion talking the pros and cons of space/starship designs. My favorite was the Omega class destroyer from Babylon 5.

I also checked out the Dealers’ Room, Art Show, and Con suite. The went to the Westercon and NASFiC Bid parties, then back to wrap up season 3 of Stranger Things.

Today more panels with some of the Guests of Honor.

Below is a shot of the NASFiC Guests of Honor.
(Left to right) Laurel K. Hamilton, Susan Chang, Linda Deneroff, Kate Hatcher (con chair), Dragon Dronet, Bjo Trimble, John Trimble, and David Weber.

Layton,Utah Day 1

So I should have checked Con updates and I might saved some money on transport and known I need to drink more water since I am at a elevation at about 4,000 feet when it is questionable  where I call home is barely above sea level.

Despite that it is cool to be in a place that is not flat. I wish I had more time to look around.

I got my badge with some nice art and checked out the schedule. The schedule looks great. There was some pre-con stuff later that night. I also signed up for a blood donation on Friday morning. Please wish me luck.

Here is my Scalzi-like hotel picture


There was some confusion with the fan films. Though they showed United We Fan which featured Fan Guests of Honor Bjo and John Trimble. The film was about fan efforts to save shows that were threaten with cancellation. The Trimbles started such campaigns with their “Save Star Trek” in  1967. It was interesting look how fan, creators, and actors interacted with each other. I wish it would have been shown at the Enzian. Then it was time for The Match Game SF. It was hosted by Kevin Standlee and Guests of Honor and big name fans made the panel. There were three games played and some of the panelits came late and had to be substituted with Emergency Holographic panelists. The panel had David Weber, Laurell K. Hamilton, Linda Deneroff, Craig Glassner, Seth Breidbart, other Kevin (I did not get their name), Dragon Dronet, Kevin Roche, and Andrew Trembley. I thought it was interesting that cash prizes were awarded as $2 bills and minted in 2013 (you don’t see $2 often). Then off to rest and get ready for the next day.

Today I am on the My Favorite Spaceship panel and checking out many more.